Seeing is believing…

The Wong lab employs advanced fluorescence microscopy approaches—including high-resolution multiplexed imaging, cleared organ volumetric imaging, and dynamic two-photon intravital imaging—to study how immune responses are controlled across time and space in tissues.

Visualizing control of autoimmune T cell responses.

An entire murine gastric lymph node was optically cleared and imaged in 3D. Red = Endogenous regulatory T cells, Magenta = Self-reactive CD4+ T cells responding to an endogenous self-antigen, Green = Polyclonal control CD4+ T cells.

Homeostatic dynamics of regulatory T cells.

Two-photon intravital 4D imaging of regulatory T cells in the popliteal lymph node of a living mouse. Cyan = Endogenous regulatory T cells, Magenta = Polyclonal control T cells, Blue = Collagen fibres

Visualizing the lung-immune interface.

A thick murine lung section (200 um) was optically cleared and imaged in 3D. Purple = Type 2 alveolar cells, Green = Airway epithelium, Orange = T cells, Red = Alveolar macrophages, White = MHCII+ antigen-presenting cells

Local control of endogenous T cell responses by regulatory T cell micro-domains.

High-resolution multiplexed imaging of a renal lymph node (20 um section). Inset highlights a micro-domain of regulatory T cells (Foxp3+) with immunosuppressive phenotypes surrounding activated T cells and underlying antigen-presenting cells. 14 of 25 features shown for visual clarity